The Adventures of Nina and her ‘Nana’

   “Nina Needs to Go” by DisneyJr

I love this little program by DisneyJr!  “Nina Needs to Go” is all about a little girl and her emergency trips to find the bathroom.  It is a concept that EVERY parent has to go through at some point; whether you are potty training or already using the restroom.  But…I really love it because it highlights fantastic Grandmas and Nanas everywhere who always come to their grandbabies’ rescue! The episodes always start out where Nina is with her mom and dad.  Of course her parents ask if she needs to use the bathroom, but Nina (like every toddler) says she doesn’t have to go.  Well you can guess what happens… Nina suddenly has to use the bathroom. Mom has to pull out her Bathroom App and Dad scrambles to find the nearest restroom.  Need I mention that the bathroom is usually clear across the United States.  Just at the moment where you are sure an accident is going to happen, Nina’s Grandma shows up. (She is usually hiding in plain sight.) Her Nana comes to the rescue.  I call her Agent Nana because she is equipped with all of these gadgets and even talks to animals.  Here is to DisneyJr for highlighting grandparents everywhere. And here is to all the Grandmas and Nanas in the world picking up where us parents are constantly falling short! The Youtube link is below. Take a peek and share this if you appreciate your child’s Grandma.

A Mixed Bag


Today my thoughts carry to one of my main roles; being a mother.  No one tells you this, but motherhood can be all-consuming if you are not extremely careful.  I used to think that I could still maintain my independent self and be a mom.  I thought that I would be able to continue all of the activities and have time to do for myself and for my family.  The reality knocked me square on my tush.  Don’t get me wrong. I love being a mom.  I love my family. I love seeing my toddler walk into my bedroom first thing in the morning.  It brings me such great joy especially since there was a very real time when doctors didn’t think it was going to be possible!  I also love hanging out with my family on the weekends.  When Friday comes, I smile because I know I get to spend time with them.  However, what I have realized is that motherhood means sacrifice.  I have to give up alot of me to make time for them.  Sometimes I long for the days when I can wake up and do what I want instead of immediately tending to the needs of my family, especially on vacation.  I miss this the most when I am sick, because often I have to sacrifice my rest (that I need to get well) to take care of my family.  I cherish the days when my toddler unexpectedly sleeps in.

So…what am I saying?

I love my family, but I also love me.  I am realizing that if I don’t take time for myself, I will lose the best parts of me.  The parts that will get lost are likely the parts that my family will need; my patience, my health, and my individuality.  Mothers and Fathers, lets remember to carve some time out to keep your individuality while still enjoying the mixed bag of being a parent. For all those who are trying, don’t give up.  I believe if it can happen for me, it can happen for you.  Keep Believing….